초록제출 현황
초록제출 현황
성명 (1저자) 라마크리시나 소속 충남대학교 동물자원과학부
직위 박사후 연구원 회원분류 일반
육안 판별법을 활용한 솔비타, 콤벡 부숙도 판정법 정확도 개선
Compost stability and maturity determination by the Color and Odor intensity observation along with Solvita and CoMMe-100 methods
라마크리시나¹, 이승훈¹, 김대훈¹, 위지수¹, 신진호¹, 노희철¹, 정우희¹, 안희권¹*
Chilakala Ramakrishna¹, Seung-Hun Lee¹, Dae-Hun Kim¹, Ji-Soo Wi¹, Jin-Ho Shin¹, Hee-Cheol Roh¹, Woo-Hee Chung¹, Hee-Kwon Ahn¹*
¹충남대학교 동물자원과학부(Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea)
*교신저자: 안희권(hkahn@cnu.ac.kr)

Composting is one of the most important methods for stabilizing the organic matter containing animal manure and agricultural waste. The development of a market for compost greatly depends on the definition and adoption of quality standards. Several countries including the Republic of Korea and private organizations have established quality standards for compost, where certain properties are prioritized and different limits are establishing according to the end-use. However, there is a need to harmonize the methods such criteria at the international level, because none of the methods have been testing frequently for compost stability at frequent intervals. If the compost stability methods is not analyzing properly, then it can result in contaminated soil, groundwater and air pollution with the excessive emissions of ammonia (NH3) gases, it causes the negative effect of the agricultural field. The aim of this study is to identifying the immature compost by observing compost Color and Odor intensity, and enhances the compost quality determination by the Solvita and CoMMe-100 methods. In this study, we used 32 different livestock manure with organic waste samples for analysis; the research findings suggesting the Solvita method accuracy was increased from 65% to 71% with the combination of Color & Odor intensity, similarly the CoMMe-100 method also improve the accuracy from 69 to 75% along with Color & Odor intensity observation. These results suggesting both methods for final stage compost gave similar appropriate results, but CoMMe-100 method is better than Solvita due to less expenses and short time easy operation.

키워드(Keywords): Compost, Stability, Maturity, Color, Odor intensity

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