초록제출 현황
초록제출 현황
성명 (1저자) 톰플 소속 Daegu UniversityResearch Assistant
직위 Research Assistant 회원분류 학생
퇴비화를 통한 polylactic acid resin의 생분해율 측정
Biodegradability estimation of polylactic acid resin via composting
톰플¹, 오삼규¹, 심수민², 김승수², 레자², 나창식², 원승건¹*
Tomple Byamungu Mayange¹, Sam-Gyu Oh¹, Soo Min Shim², Seung Soo Kim², Reza Arif², Changsix Ra², Seunggun Won¹*
¹대구대학교 동물자원학과(Department of Animal Resources, Daegu University, Daegu, Korea ), ²강원대학교 동물산업융합학과(Department of Animal Industry Convergence, Kangwon National University,Chuncheon, Korea)
*교신저자: 원승건(swon@daegu.ac.kr)

Plastic products are very closely and widely used in our living such as food wrapping, garbage bags, vehicles, etc. Since this petrochemical polymer has durability, light weight, and its hydrophobic characteristic, it has been conventionally used. However, most of these products are hard to be degraded in nature and the retrieved piles of compost. Polylactic acid (PLA) has been widely used to produce biodegradable materials. This study was conducted to introduce the composition of the biodegradation test apparatus required for measuring the biodegradability of biodegradable polymers and the variety of methods of using the composting process. ISO 14855-1 (Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide Part 1: General method) was borrowed to evaluate biodegradability. The PLA resins degradability in nature could be determined under composting condition before being produced. Based on weights between the initial and final samples, cellulose (positive control), TF, and XD had been degraded as 68.3, 54.0 and 44.0%, respectively. The other measurement showed 54.2, 51.3, and 41.8% of Cel, TF, and XD under CO2 analysis of which lower the values might be caused by trouble shooting of gas collection and PLA resin (TF) was degraded as readily as cellulose. The trend of sample degradation was in order of Cellulose>TF>XD.

키워드(Keywords): Composting, Biodegradability, Polylactic acid, Bioplastic

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